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TGENb6f.png Forum Rules
Use Common Sense
Behaviors not specifically enumerated in these rules that a reasonable person would consider inappropriate in public spaces may still result in restrictions. If you're not sure if something is OK, ask a forum moderator (link group page!!!!).
Do not post on topics that have not had a response in over 3 months without a good reason (Suggestion threads are an exception, as they are considered “in-progress”)

For Punishment on Necroposting

Any Amount of Offenses: The user will be issued a warning point* that will expire after a week and the thread will be locked.

Do not engage in the spamming of status messages, topics, posts, private messages, or anything similar. Misusing or abusing the report feature will be considered as spam.

For Punishment on Spamming**

1st Offense: The user will be issued a warning point* that will expire after a month and the post(s) or shoutbox message(s) will be hidden/deleted.

2nd Offense: The user will be issued a warning point* that will expire after a year, the post(s) or shoutbox message(s) will be hidden/deleted, flag the user as a spammer, and enable moderated content for one month.

3rd Offense: The user will be issued a warning point* that will expire after a year, the post(s) or shoutbox message(s) will be hidden/deleted, and will be restricted from posting content until appealed.

Private Matters
Do not discuss anything confidential with another user in public. Keep any personal disputes that you may have with other members out of public forums. 

For Punishment on Private Matters**

Any Amount of Offenses: The user will be issued a warning point* that will expire after a month and the post(s) or shoutbox message(s) will be hidden/deleted.

Forum Topics
Make an effort to post content in the proper subforum, with an accurate title. If you’re not sure where something goes, ask a forum moderator for guidance.

For Punishment on Forum Topics

Offenses 1-3:  The user's post(s) will be hidden or moved to the correct section of the forums.

4th+ Offense:  The user will be issued a warning point* that will expire after a week and the post(s) will be hidden or moved to the correct section of the forums.

Do not pretend to be another user. Do not pretend to hold a rank that you do not hold.

For Punishment on Impersonation** 

1st Offense: The user will be issued with one warning point, which will expire within 3 months.

2nd Offense: The user will be issued with 2 warning points, which will expire within 6 months with one month restricted content. 

Do not release any private information about another user without their permission. You should also refrain from posting sensitive information (e.g. address, phone number) regarding yourself.

For Punishment on Doxing**’

Situations needs to be dealt case-by-case basis, but in case if you need this punishment:

1st Offense: The user will be restricted from posting to the website (note that this is distinct from content moderation). 

Explicit Content
Do not post explicit images/links that include nudity, overt sexual imagery, morbidity, or anything else in bad taste. This criteria also applies to profile pictures.

For Punishment on Explicit Content (minor)**

1st Offense: The user will be issued a warning point* that will expire after 3 months and the post(s) will be hidden.

2nd Offense: The user will be issued a warning point* that will expire after a year, the post(s) will be hidden, and enable moderated content for a month.

3rd Offense: The user will be issued a warning point* that will expire after a year, the post(s) will be hidden and restricted from posting content until appealed. 

For Punishment on Explicit Content (major)**

1st Offense: Permanent Ban

Malicious Links
Do not post with the intent of harming, acquiring information on, or gaining access to another user’s client/computer.

For Punishment on Malicious Links**

1st Offense:  The user will be permanently banned from the forums.

Do not send links or images related to other communities or websites with the intent of recruitment or promotion. We do however allow certain types of advertisement, learn more here: https://gflclan.com/forums/topic/66635-sites-allowed-to-be-advertised/

For Punishment on Advertising**

1st Offense: The user will be issued a warning point* that will expire after a month and the post(s) or shoutbox message(s) will be hidden.

2nd Offense: The user will be issued a warning point* that will expire after a year, the post(s) or shoutbox message(s) will be hidden, and enable moderated content for one month.

3rd Offense: The user will be issued a warning point* that will expire after a year, restricted from posting content until appealed, and the post(s) will be hidden. 

Slurs, discriminations, and harassment
Do not harass other members or engage in excessive toxicity. Do not use slurs that target groups or engage in expressions of prejudice against individuals or groups..

For Punishment on Slurs, Discrimination, and Harassment**

Any Amount of Offenses: The user will be issued a warning point* that will expire after a month and the post(s) or shoutbox message(s) will be hidden/deleted. In extreme cases, the moderator may choose to apply content moderation for a month.

Low Quality Content
Refrain from creating meaningless or low quality posts (i.e. “shitposts”) outside of the proper subforum (LINK).

For Punishment on Low Quality Content (“Shit Posting”)

Offenses 1-3:  The user's post(s) will be hidden or moved to the correct section of the forums.

4th+ Offense:  The user will be issued a warning point* that will expire after a week and the post(s) will be hidden or moved to the correct section of the forums.

Reputation Abuse
Do NOT ask for likes, create additional accounts to give yourself reputation or run any kind of event involving the reputation system. In addition to this, reputation must be given organically. For example, going through a user's old posts with the purpose of only giving them reputation is not allowed

For Punishment on Reputation Abuse

Any Amount of Offenses: The users will be issued a warning point* that will expire after a month, the post(s) will be hidden, and remove the user’s reputation points gained.

Forum Alts

No alt, alternative, or spare account, one account per member allowed*. If your alt account is found, we will simply just close it and inform you of this rule. 

If you share an IP with someone else living in your household and is in GFL, talk to one of the moderators about it and we will take a note about it.
*Anyone above Team Leaders is allowed to have more than one account solely for testing purposes.

For Punishment on Forum Alts

1st Offense:  The user's alt account will be closed and they will be issued a warning point* that will expire after a year on the main account.


Forum Regulation Specifications

*Warning Points

Do NOT revoke warning points unless there is a mistake made when applying the warning point or the point is appealed by the user.

If the user has accumulated five warning points after applying a warning point, the user is at risk of being banned from the forums entirely. This is at the staffs’ discretion.

**Shoutbox Inclusive Points

Please take a screenshot of the offense to have evidence of the act since there is no other way of retrieving it.

If the user has received five shoutbox related warning points (see the users past warning points), the user will be banned from the shoutbox until appealed.


General Rule Regulations

Note: When moving a post, untick “Leave a link to the new location” - Not necessary to have it ticked.

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